Translated in Italian by Giampaolo Ascedu:
Ammaliata, stregata,
conil vento in campo una volta , incoronata
comecompletamente incatenata,
tumia preziosa donna !
Ne'allegra, ne' triste
comedal cielo scuro discesa
tuil mio cantico nuziale
tula mia stella pazza.
Iomi prostro sotto le tue ginocchia
abbracciandolecon furiosa /sfrenata forza
econ lacrime e poesie
riscaldote triste ,dolce.
Ciòche non si avvera non si dimentica
ciòche non si ricorda non si avvera
ebbeneper cosa piangi, bellezza?
oppuresoltanto ciò mi sembra!!!!
conil vento in campo una volta , incoronata
comecompletamente incatenata,
tumia preziosa donna!
English translation:
Enchanted, bewitched,
With the wind in the field once married,
All of you seem chained in shackles,
Precious you my woman!
Neither funny nor sad.
As if descended from the dark sky,
You and my song Wedding,
And the star you are my crazy.
I bent over your knees.
Embrace them with a violent force.
And tears and poems
Anneal you bitter sweet.
What will be added - not diminish
What does not come to pass - will be forgotten ..
Why are you crying, beautiful?
Or is it just fancies!
Enchanted, bewitched,
With the wind in the field once married,
All of you seem chained in shackles,
Precious you my woman!