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Dear friends, here is the list of the HFWR’s products you can buy. For more detais contact us:

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NEW! Диалоги по-русски. Russian Dialogues (audio book) €11

30 Dialogues (A2 -C1) Level. Russian-English, info section, cartoons, 63 pages, audio

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idioms  NEW! Русские идиомы. Russian Idioms (audio book) -  11 €

More than 50 popular Russian idioms with audio, translation and examples of usage; cartoons, 43 pages.

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howtosaysmall   NEW! How to say it in Russian (audio book)11 €

 60 podcasts, more than 500 phrases for everyday communication with translation, transcription and examples of usage, cartoons, 92 pages. 

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200 let's speak small

NEW! A Set of 200 “Let’s Speak Russian” Pics with Small Dialogues, Phrases and Words – € 11,35 

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100 verbs small

NEW! A Set of 100 “Russian Verbs” with Funny Phrases and Conjugations – € 8,25 

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100 grammar small

NEW! A Set of 100 “Russian Grammar in Tables” Pics – € 8,25  

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grammar and audio smal

Grammar and Audio: Глагол + Падеж (аудио книга/audio book) – 11

The Russian Grammar Activator via drilling patterns ranged with the cases and verbs aspect. This is a real trouble shooter for those who have been learning Russian for ages. More than 60 audio clips with examples of usage.

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small talks new small

Маленькие диалоги для начинающих (аудио книга)

Small Russian Talks for Beginners (audio book)  -  11 €

23 Dialogues for Absolute Beginners with Grammar reference, translation and  audio clips in two paces: normal and slow

See an example 


The Special Offer: 

5 e-books for 20

5 audio books (e-book + audio) for 35

  1. Russian Dialogues (B Level) )
  2. How to say (A1/B1 Level)
  3. Idioms  (B/C Level)
  4. Grammar and Audio (A2/B1 Level)
  5. Small talks for Beginners (A0/A1 Level)



 11  12

Русскийязыкдля начинающих

Russian for Absolute Beginners

399 €

Курс русского языка для начинающих

The Russian Language Course

for Absolute Beginners:

10 уроков (20часов)/ 10 lessons (20 hours)

Грамматика, фонетика, фразы, речевой и грамматический практикум, тестирование. Все материалы включены: тексты, аудио, видео и анимация.

Grammar and Phonetics – Phrases Activator – Drilling – Reading – Speaking – Testing with all the HFWR’s learning materials (e-books and audio/video/flash) available.

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Русский язык для бизнесменов

Business Russian


Курс русского языка для бизнесменов

Business Russian Course:

10 уроков (20часов)/ 10 lessons (20 hours) Грамматика, бизнес коммуникация: встречи, переговоры, презентации, деловые письма. Все материалы включены:  тексты, аудио, видео и анимация.

Разные уровни сложности (A1 – C2). Сложность курса зависит от уровня студента. Тестирование.

Business Communication - Grammar in Business topics - Reading & Discussions - Business Correspondence– Listening & Comprehension with all the HFWR’s learning materials (e-books and audio/video/flash) available). For different levels (А1-С2). The level depends on a student’s language competence. Testing.

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More Language Courses

with all the materials available!

Contact us:



1) General Russian: 20 classes (40 hours) each level:  Absolute Beginners, Elementary, Intermediate, Upper- Intemediate, Advanced

2) Business Russian: 10 classes (20 hours)

3) Intensive: 20 classes (40 hours): 4 hours every day for 10 days

4) Russian Conversational Course

5) Language Consultation  

On-line Classes

1 hour = 45 min


20 euro for 1 hour

Group (2-4 people)

10 euro for 1 hour




10 euro/person


Темы лекций/Topics:

  1. Русская падежная система. RussianCasesystem.
  2. Русская и английская глагольные системы. Сравнительный анализ. Russian and English Verb System. Comparison Analyses.
  3. Загадки русского алфавита. The Riddles of the Russian Alphabet.
  4. Временная система глаголов русского языка. RussianVerb
  5. Виды глаголов. Aspects of the Russian Verbs.
  6. Глаголы движения. Verbs of Motion.
  7. Глаголы движения с приставками. VerbsMotionwithPrefixes.

Темы тренингов/Trainings:

  1. Фонетический тренинг: артикуляция, произношение. Phonetics: articulation, pronunciation
  2. Падежный тренинг: задания и упражнения по каждому падежу. Cases and exercises.
  3. Глагольный тренинг: задания и упражнения по видам глагола, временной системе русского глагола, модальным глаголам. Verbs and exercises.
  4. Причастия и деепричастия. RussianVerbals.
  5. Чтение и обсуждение произведений русских писателей. Русская классика. Современная русская проза. Reading and Discussion of Russian Literature (classic and contemporary)