

У каждого из нас есть свои воспоминания о детстве, о том месте, где мы родились, о наших родителях и людях, которые нас окружали в то время. Было ли ваше детство счастливым и безоблачным или грустным? Какое ваше самое яркое воспоминание того времени? Помните ли вы вкус детства? Расскажите об этом. 

This contest, as the previous ones, aims at further practice in communication and improving your writing skills. Tell us about your childhood, home and family, your memories and feelings. Were you happy or sad that time? Do you remember a taste of childhood? 
Tell us about it in Russian! One word or hundreds, whatever! There‘s only one indispensable condition: your stories should be written in Russian, or be bilingual at least! Even Absolute Beginners may take part in this competition. The best stories, essays, photos and even Art works will be published at HFWR’s Timeline.The winner, which is traditionally determined through your voting and counting “likes” on our fb page will get a prize – a series of free online classes with @Zlata , the author and coordinator of this project