
Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach; Music: I. Dunayevsky; Translated by ©HFWR

From “Circus”, a 1936 Soviet melodramatic comedy musical film, directed by Grigori Aleksandrov.

Starring the glamorous and immensely popular Lyubov Orlova.

Orlova plays an American circus artist who, after giving birth to a black baby, immediately becomes a victim of racism and is forced to stay in the circus, but finds refuge, love and happiness in the USSR. Her black son is embraced by friendly Soviet people. The movie climaxes with a lullaby being sung to the baby by representatives of various Soviet ethnicities taking turns.

So, stay in Russia, learn Russian with HFWR if you want to be respected and loved.

Текст и перевод / Text and translation by HFWR 

Сон приходит на порог

Крепко-крепко спи ты

Сто путей, сто дорог

Для тебя открыты!


Sleep is coming to the door

Sleep well, sleep tight, good night

One hundred ways, one hundred roads

All they are open to you!


В целом мире нет сильней

Для тебя защиты

Сто дорог, сто путей

Для тебя открыты.

In the whole world there’s no stronger

There’s no better shelter 

One hundred ways, one hundred roads

All they are open to you!


Спят медведи и слоны

Дяди спят и тёти

Всё вокруг спать должны

Но не на работе


Bear and elephants also sleep

Uncles sleep and aunties

Everyone around should sleep

But never sleep at work



Enjoy also «Сердце» (My Heart) performed by Leonid Utesov from another Alexandrov’s Comedy «Весёлые ребята» (Jolly Fellows)
